Page personnelle de Kelly Mcgillivray

À propos d'Kelly!

I'm participating in the 5k run, on my scooter, to raise money for and awareness of London Track 3 Ski School. They gave me an opportunity to sit-ski last winter which is the first time I've skied again in over 26 years. It was such a sense of freedom! They are an amazing all-volunteer run organization that gives skiing opportunities to people who face all kinds of barriers. Not only do I want to support them in their work with other people with disabilities, but I also plan to attend the school this winter and the more funds I raise, the more of a discount I receive to attend the school! Thanks for your support!

Les événements auxquels Kelly est inscrit(e) :

Événement Mon objectif Objectif de l’engagement Engagement envers
Halloween Haunting
London, ON
26 octobre 2014
Engagement : 0,00$
Engagez-vous maintenant

London Track 3 Ski School