University of Ottawa High School Invitational Day #2

University of Ottawa High School Invitational Day #2

3 mai 2024Ottawa, Ontario

Tarif et dates limites

Date limite régulière :
30 avril 2024 23h59 (Heure de l'Est)Inscription terminée
Frais d’inscription
1ère Épreuve 10,00$
1er relais 15,00$
2e relais 15,00$
3e relais 15,00$
4ème relais 15,00$
5ème relais 15,00$
Relais additionnel15,00$

Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Limite d’inscription de 550,00$ par équipe.

Méthodes de paiement

Sur place, Par chèque

Documents supplémentaires

Les autres informations

The 12th annual University of Ottawa High School Invitational will run a mirrored schedule on Thursday May 2nd and Friday May 3rd.
This event is intended to provide a competitive start to the season and encourage a learning environment for the students/athletes.
Officials and volunteers will work towards educating athletes on the rules and technical skills for each event.

Coaches are to submit requests for entry to Richard Johnston ( and In the subject line please include the meet name, school name and number athletes estimated to attend.