Inscription pour la session d'automne 2024 (Veuillez noter que l'affiliation à Judo Québec est OBLIGATOIRE)
Début de la session : Samedi le 14 septembre 2024
Fin de session : samedi le 7 décembre 2024
Horaire des cours :
- Parent-enfant : les samedis de 8h45 à 9h30
- Petits : les samedis de 9h30 à 10h15
- Moyens : les mardis de 18h30 à 19h30 ET les samedis de 10h15 à 11h15
- Ado/Adultes : les mardis de 19h30 à 21h ET les samedis de 11h15 à 12h45
Pour le cours Parent-enfant, veuillez remplir le formulaire d'inscription au nom de l'enfant seulement.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.
If your club is not listed it is most likely because they are not registered with Trackie yet.