Tom Compton Memorial 2K Kids' Run

Tom Compton Memorial 2K Kids' Run

27 avril 2019Kingston, Ontario

Tarif et dates limites

Date limite régulière :
25 avril 2019 23h59 (Heure de l'Est)Inscription terminée
Frais d’inscription
Tarif 5,00$ par participation

Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Politique de remboursement : AUCUN frais N’EST REMBOURSABLE.


Tous les dons seront versées à : Tom Compton Shoe Fund - The goal is to put running shoes on the feet of Kingston & area students in need.

Tom Compton Shoe Fund - The goal is to put running shoes on the feet of Kingston & area students in need.


Méthodes de paiement

En ligne

* Un petit frais de traitement s’applique

Les autres informations

This kids' 2K run is part of the Limestone Race Weekend in Kingston that also includes a 10K on the Saturday & a 5K & 1/2 marathon on the Sunday.

This is an out and back 2K kids' run along Kingstons waterfront path. It begins & ends in MacDonald Park which is at the foot of Emily Street. The run starts at 3:30 pm. Bibs can be picked up at the run site beginning at 2:30.
Run registration will also be accepted at the bib pick up.
Have fun!