Performance Running Clinic

Performance Running Clinic

9 juin 2021Whitehorse, Yukon

Tarif et dates limites

Date limite régulière :
9 juin 2021 13h00 (Heure du Pacifique)Inscription terminée
Frais d’inscription
Tarif 20,00$ par participation

Tous les tarif sont en CAD $
Politique de remboursement : AUCUN frais N’EST REMBOURSABLE.

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Les autres informations

Hoping to improve your performances over 5k to the Marathon distances join us on June 9th from 6pm to 9pm at the Sport Yukon Board room. Athletics Yukon is offering a 3-hour running clinic for novice to advanced endurance runners.

This presentation will cover 1 ½ hours of planning and periodization for a competition. How to Taper and Peak for your performances, the Big 5 and trends in training. Additionally, we will spend 1 ½ hours of on practical aspects of improving your running technique, developing your speed and strength.

Presented by Allen Johnston
National Athletics Canada High Performance Coach