Game of Cards with Athletics Ontario

Game of Cards with Athletics Ontario

21 juillet - 1 septembre 2021Anywhere, Ontario

Tarif et dates limites

Date limite régulière :
31 août 2021 20h00 (Heure de l'Est)Inscription terminée
Frais d’inscription

Inscription gratuite!

Les autres informations

Welcome to "Game of Cards" - Where we will go through foundational athletic movements in a workout setting!

Join Ally every Wednesday as we go over the fundamentals of athletics, while incorporating
randomized workout exersizes based on cards! Work up a sweat and have the opportunity to better or learn some skills!

This class will be offered every Wednesday @ 3:30pm

This class is VIRTUAL and the zoom link will be sent out to participants the morning of.

Bring your energy, smiles and be ready to sweat!

This class is FREE for AO U8, U10 and U12 members! Spots will be limited so sign up early!

Not a member but want to participate? Become a U8, U10 or U12 recreational non-competitive member for only $5! Membership is valid for the rest of the 2021 year. . Register:

Ensure you select your membership type as "Non-Comp. Athlete", then select "Rec. Athletes (U12). If you do not belong to a club, ensure you leave the club affiliation as "Unattached".

Next class: 11th of August